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What is food flexible packaging


Food flexible packaging

Food Flexible packaging

It is crucial to use anti damage food Flexible packaging solutions that can withstand harsh environments to protect and preserve food. In addition, helping food suppliers and brands protect food throughout the entire value chain, thereby helping to reduce food waste, is also crucial.

Application and Advantages of Food Soft Packaging

Typical food soft packaging applications include thin films used for packaging foods such as tea, soy products, and candies. These films can be composite or non composite and can withstand harsh environments such as freezers.

1. High levels of impact strength, tear strength, and flexural fracture resistance

2. Excellent sealing performance

3. Excellent optical performance (glossiness, haze, and transparency)

4. Higher film yield and thinning potential

For more food Flexible packaging needs, please contact our food flexible packaging manufacturer, XLD provides better packaging solutions to companies in a wide range of industries The company has an onging team of designers and engineers who work closely with customers to develop better solutions that meet their unique requirements




